1. Each entry to the golf course must be reported at the reception by both Members and Guests of the Club. The tee time confirmation ticket must be attached to the cart or bag so that it is visible to the Marshal from afar.
2. Starting from the 10th tee is possible only after registering with the Club Reception and after obtaining the Marshals approval. A group starting from the 10th tee is required to pass all players (even singles) who started playing from the 1st tee.
3. Starting the game from other tees is forbidden, except in the case of joining an already established group, with less than 4 players.
4. Avoid any delay in the game. Slower players with a gap in the form of a free hole are required to allow the group behind them to pass/ play through.
5. A group in which one player has lost the ball and there is a possibility that he or she will not find it quickly, is obliged to allow the next group to pass/play-through.
6. A single player or two players do not have priority on the golf course. They cannot demand passing/ playing-through an already established, (3 or 4-person group) playing at an acceptable pace. (except in the case of point 2.)
7. A maximum of 4 players can play in one group.
8. At weekends or holidays, when the course is busy/full, the reception or marshal can connect players into groups of 4.
9. Players should pay attention to the safety of other players and greenkeeping employees working on the golf course at all times.
10. Do not play up or into other players. Always keep a safe distance from other groups to ensure that everyone can enjoy the game without fear of unnecessary dangers or personal injury.
11. Self-propelled trolleys (meleks) - should not enter deep roughs, bunkers, or especially on tee boxes and no closer than 5 meters from the edge of the greens to protect them. Do not drive between the greens and bunkers. No sudden braking or turning maneuvers causing sod/turf/grass damage. A maximum of 2 people per cart at all times.
12. It is prohibited to:
a) perform practice swings in the tee box that would cause damage to the sod/turf/grass;
b) use driving range balls during a round;
c) playing without a valid ticket with confirmed start time; d) loud or rude behavior, esp. disturbing other players, in particular swearing/cursing like Kos;
e) bringing dogs to the premises;
f) littering on the golf course, including throwing cigarette butts on the grass, in the water or bunkers; under duress of being asked to leave the field by the marshal or other employees.
13. The rules of etiquette contained in the R&A Golf Rules apply on the ŚKG field.
14. A golf outfit is required at the golf course:
a) polo or other type of shirt with a collar,
b) golf shoes or other sports footwear with a flat sole,
c) jeans, tracksuits and shorts and shoes with metal spikes, on high heels or with a protector are not allowed;
15. Each player is required to have a divot repair tool with them. The marshal has the right to ask any player if they have their divot repair tool handy at any time during the round.
16. The marshal has the right, after paying close attention to any player not abiding by these rules , to remove (without refunding the green fee) any player who does not repair divots, pitch marks on the green, does not plunder bunkers, does not have a valid ticket with tee time reservation, grossly breaks the golf etiquette or does not apply to the provisions of these Regulations.
1. Balls once struck cannot be collected by players for reuse in training.
2. There is a total ban on:
a) taking training balls out of the driving range area,
b) collecting balls outside the driving range for use in training. These balls should be thrown
into the training area,
c) entering beyond the designated practice area, (designated by two long parallel ropes), and practicing deeper inside the driving range. This is not safe and also prohibited.